CLP has assisted Credo Partners AS with establishing a new chain of fitness centres
CLP has assisted Credo Partners AS with the investment in the fitness centre chains Nr1 Fitness, Sprek365, Toten Treningssenter, Trento and Trimhuset Horten Trening og Fysioterapi with in total 64 fitness centres across Norway.

CLP has assisted Credo Partners AS with the investment in the fitness centre chains Nr1 Fitness, Sprek365, Toten Treningssenter, Trento and Trimhuset Horten Trening og Fysioterapi with in total 64 fitness centres across Norway. The group created by the platform investment aims to become one of the top 3 fitness centre chains in Norway and to utilize synergy effects to reduce costs and provide better services for the members, while keeping the local feel of the gyms. Credo Partners is an investment firm focusing on scaling up small and medium sized businesses in partnership with entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs of the fitness centre chains will continue as owners in the new group and help develop the fitness centres further.
The CLP core team consisted of Lars Gunnar Aas, Cecilie Sjursen, Magnus S. Gyllensten, Lars Martin Sandanger, Miriam Maria Biermann and Vilde S. Engan.
Read more about the case here.