Data Equipment A/S and Netsecurity AS merge to one company
CLP has assisted the shareholders of Data Equipment A/S in the combination with Netsecurity AS, where two leading providers within IT security and cybersecurity join forces. All employee shareholders will continue as shareholders the merged company.
The merged company will be a significant player continuing under the name Netsecurity. It will provide services within both the public and private sector and will have more than 150 employees in Norway and Sweden. The merged company is aiming to be a leading Nordic provider and to reach a combined turnover of NOK 800 million for 2023 and NOK 1 billion within 2025.
CLPs team consisted of Lars Gunnar Aas, Arve Rolstad Jahren, Julie Reinfjord, Cecilie Sjursen, Christian Vestheim, Vilde Sinding Engan, Erik Sletner and Stephan Brodschöll.
CLP congratulates the parties on the transaction!
Read more about the case here.
Photo: Shutterstock