Samarbeid sikrer resultater
Samarbeid, kvalitet og resultater er viktige drivkrefter i CLP. CLP er et av de ledende advokatfirmaene innen transaksjoner og annet corporatearbeid. Vi har omfattende erfaring med å bistå kjøpere, selgere, investorer og tilretteleggere ved transaksjoner, restruktureringer og finansiering i Norge og utlandet.
I CLP opererer vi med erfarne, kompakte og tilgjengelige team. Det gir oppdragsgiver maksimal oppmerksomhet, en kostnadseffektiv prosess og gode resultater.
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i FIRST Fondene AS ved salg av majoritetspost
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i FIRST Fondene AS ved salget av 66 % av aksjene i selskapet til Atle Investment Management...
CLP har bistått D2L med oppkjøpet av H5P Group AS
CLP har hatt gleden av å bistå det ledende globale teknologiselskapet innen læring, D2L, med oppkjøpet av H5P Group AS,...
CLP bistår Volue i frivillig tilbud
Edison Bidco AS har nylig annonsert et frivillig tilbud på samtlige aksjer i Volue ASA, der Edison Bidco vil tilby samtl...
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i salget av Vieri AS til Visma
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i Vieri AS når selskapet nå erverves av Visma i et strategisk oppkjøp for å styrke Vismas ti...
CLP har bistått ECO STOR og dets eksisterende aksjonærer med gjennomføring av en banebrytende investering fra X-Elio og Nature Infrastructure Capital
CLP har bistått ECO STOR og dets eksisterende aksjonærer, herunder Å Energi Invest AS, i forbindelse med at Brookfields-...
Åpenhetsloven – Kontroll fra Forbrukertilsynet
Kontroll gjennomført av Forbrukertilsynet har avdekket at mange virksomheter bryter med pliktene etter åpenhetsloven...
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i salget av Resoptima AS til Halliburton
CLP har bistått aksjonærene i Resoptima AS når selskapet nå erverves av Halliburton i et strategisk oppkjøp for å integr...
Kapitalforvaltning – Hva innebærer arbeidsmiljølovens nye konsernregler for PE-fond?
Den 9. mars 2023 vedtok Stortinget endringer i arbeidsmiljøloven som vil få betydning for en rekke PE-fond og deres forv...
Digitalytelsesloven trådte i kraft 1. januar – Er dine standardvilkår oppdatert?
Digitalytelsesloven trådte i kraft januar 1. januar 2023, og gjennomfører EUs Digitalytelsesdirektiv i norsk rett Dig...
CLP has advised on the sale of Teknograd AS
CLP has assisted the shareholders of Teknograd AS with the sale of 100% of the shares in the company to Norvestor backed...
Vesentlig innstramming i mulighet til innleie fra bemanningsforetak
Den 16. desember 2022 vedtok Stortinget flere endringer i arbeidsmiljølovens regler om innleie fra bemanningsforetak, so...
Personopplysninger til USA – nytt overføringsgrunnlag nærmer seg
EU-Kommisjonen har lagt frem et utkast til ny adekvansbeslutning som skal fremme den transatlantiske dataflyten og samti...
CLP has advised on the sale of CICERO Shades of Green AS
CLP has assisted the shareholders of CICERO Shades of Green with the sale of 100% of the shares in the company to S&...
CLP advise DLTx on transformational transaction
CLP is advising Oslo Børs-listed DLTx ASA on its business combination with Blockchain Moon Acquisition Corp, a blank che...
Longship and Northern Lights: Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage in Norway
Building on Norway's experience with carbon capture and storage (CCS) from the 1996 Sleipner project, the Norwegian Gove...
Åpenhetsloven er trådt i kraft – Tiltak som bør iverksettes
Åpenhetsloven trådte i kraft 1. juli 2022. CLP bistår nå mange virksomheter med å bli compliant med de nye kravene. I en...
Nye krav til markedskommunikasjon for AIF
Det nye EU-regelverket for distribusjon av andeler i alternative investeringsfond, på tvers av landegrensene, har fått m...
CLP has assisted Credo Partners AS with establishing a new chain of fitness centres
CLP has assisted Credo Partners AS with the investment in the fitness centre chains Nr1 Fitness, Sprek365, Toten Trening...
CLP assisted Wittusen & Jensen in the sale of WJ Business Partner
CLP has assisted Wittusen & Jensen AS in the sale of 100% of the shares in WJ Business Partner AS to Johs Olsen Hand...
CLP has assisted Arendals Fossekompani ASA in its acquisition of IPT Technology GmbH
CLP has assisted Arendals Fossekompani ASA in its acquisition of IPT Technology GmbH, a German company developing wirele...
CLP advised Morrow Batteries in its EUR 100 million Private Placement
CLP acted as legal advisor to Morrow Batteries AS in its EUR 100 million private placement with Siemens Financial Servic...
CLP has advised on the sale of Arcasa Arkitekter AS
CLP has assisted the shareholders of Arcasa Arkitekter AS with the sale of 100% of the shares in Arcasa Arkitekter AS to...
Utleiesenteret sold to IK Partners backed Renta Group Oy
CLP has assisted the shareholders of Utleiesenteret with the sale of Utleiesenteret to Renta, an IK-Partners backed cons...
CLP has assisted Arendals Fossekompani in its acquisition of a majority stake in the German energy storage specialist Commeo GmbH
CLP has assisted Arendals Fossekompani ASA in its acquisition of a majority stake in Commeo GmbH, a German company which...
Aktiv Veidrift and Aktiv Veidrift Utleie sold to Green Landscaping Group
CLP has assisted the shareholders of Aktiv Veidrift AS and Aktiv Veidrift Utleie AS with sale of the companies to Green...
CLP has assisted ECO STOR in forming a joint venture with Li-Cycle and Morrow Batteries
CLP has assisted ECO STOR in forming a joint venture with Li-Cycle and Morrow Batteries to construct a lithium-ion batte...
Nye regler for skattlegging av ansatteopsjoner i oppstarts- og vekstselskaper
Det har lenge vært et ønske fra næringslivet om mer fornuftige regler om beskatning av aksjeopsjoner til ansatte. Etter...
CLP has assisted Segulah-backed Francks Kylindustri on the acquisition of Therma Industri, Invent and HB Kuldetjeneste
Therma Industri AS is the leading provider of industrial heating and cooling solutions in Norway. The acquisition marks...
CLP has assisted Agder Energi AS on its sale of Nordgröön Energie GmbH
Nordgröön provides services within energy optimization, synchronization and integration of renewable energy sources to t...
Oppdatering på arbeidsrettens område
I desember 2021 har Regjeringen foreslått, og Stortinget vedtatt en rekke endringer som har betydning for de fleste virk...
Kid – JV for new central warehouse
Kid ASA has through its Norwegian wholly owned subsidiary Hemtex Logistikk AS, entered into a commercial cooperation wit...
CLP har bistått med salget av aksjene i Fri Flyt AS
Fri Flyt-forlaget gir ut magasinene Fri Flyt og Jeger, og har bygget opp en betydelig digital satsning gjennom friflyt.n...
CLP har bistått Jolt Capital og Lightrock med investeringer i treleverandøren Kebony
Kebony har patentert en teknologi som gir furu de samme egenskapene som tropisk tømmer, og plankene brukes blant annet s...
Byggmax acquires Right Price Tiles
CLP has assisted Byggmax in its acquisition of Right Price Tiles, a Norway-based retail company within sale of tiles and...
Foto: Morten Berentsen/Bård Gundersen (
CLP har bistått Credo og de andre eierne av SYSCO med fusjonen av Cegal og SYSCO
Cegal og SYSCO fusjonerer for å skape et ledende, globalt teknologiselskap for energisektoren, og blir en sterk bidragsy...
Jordanes acquires Umoe Restaurants
CLP has assisted Jordanes AS, owner of the branded consumer goods company Scandza, in its acquisition of 100% of the sha...
CLP has advised Alliance Venture in connection with its investment in Equality Check AS
Alliance Venture has invested in Equality Check AS. Equality Check is a digital platform that catalyses equal opportunit...
CLP has advised the shareholders of 99x Technology Limited
CLP has advised the shareholders of the Sri Lankan software development company 99x Technology Limited in the restructur...
CLP has advised Volue AS in connection with its acquisition of ProCom GmbH
Volue AS has entered into an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of the shares in ProCom GmbH. The acquisition will st...
CLP har bistått Morrow Batteries
Sammen med DNB Markets og Arctic Securities har CLP bistått batterifabrikkselskapet Morrow Batteries med innhenting av E...
CLP advised APCOA Holdings GmbH on EUR 765 million refinancing
CLP has together with Kirkland & Ellis and other counsel advised APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH on the successful place...
CLP has advised Arendals Fossekompani ASA with the sale of Cogen Energia
Arendals Fossekompani ASA (AFK) has entered into an agreement with the European energy company MET Group for the sale of...
CLP has advised on the sale of Resight AS
CLP has advised Teleplan Globe AS and the other shareholders with selling 100% of the shares in Resight AS to Embriq AS....
Mercell acquires Cloudia Oy
CLP has assisted Mercell Holding ASA in its acquisition of 100% of the shares in the leading Finnish e-Tendering provide...
CLP congratulates Element Logic with a sale of a majority stake in the Element Logic group to Castik Capital
CLP congratulates Element Logic and Kjell and Dag-Adler Blakseth with a sale of a majority stake in the Element Logic gr...
CLP one of the most active law firms for M&A transactions in Q1 2021 in Norway and the Nordics
Mergermarket league tables for Q1 2021 were recently published. M&A activity remains high in the Norwegian and Nordi...
CLP med topplasseringer i den årlige advokatundersøkelsen i Norge
For 23. år på rad presenterer Finansavisen Jus Norges største advokatundersøkelse, og CLP hadde følgende rangeringer for...
Mercell acquires Visma Commerce
CLP has assisted Mercell Holding in its acquisition of the shares in Visma Commerce AB and Visma Commerce AS from the Vi...
Hofseth BioCare raises NOK 200 million and intends to transfer to Oslo Børs
Hofseth BioCare ASA has recently announced the successful private placement of 24,691,358 shares at a price per share of...
Innlegg: Permittering – på tide at Arbeiderpartiet snur?
Siden 12. mars er nesten 400 000 arbeidstakere blitt permittert, og mistet retten til arbeid og full lønn med bare 14 –...
House of Control completes private placement and targets Merkur Market listing
House of Control Group AS has recently announced the successful private placement of 30,950,000 shares at a price per sh...
CLP congratulates Arribatec on a contemplated reversed takeover of Hiddn Solutions ASA
Arribatec is a fast-growing software & consulting company delivering next generation postmodern ERP solutions sold e...
Fortum divests its shares in Solvencia and enters into new pan-Nordic debt servicing agreements with Lowell
CLP advised the listed global energy company Fortum in the divestment of all its shares in the Norwegian credit manageme...
CLP assisted Nysnø in its cornerstone investment in Alliance Venture Delta
Alliance Venture recently launched its new venture fund Alliance Venture Delta AB, targeting early-stage founders and st...
Columbia Threadneedle European Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (ESIF) kjøper majoritetsandel i Lefdal Mine Datacenter AS
CLP har bistått Lefdal Mine Datacenter AS og dets eiere i forbindelse med salget av en majoritetsandel i selskapet til d...
COVID-19 – midlertidig kompensasjonsordning for faste utgifter – svakheter ved ordningen
I dette nyhetsbrevet ser vi på utvalgte punkter i forskrift til utfylling og gjennomføring av lov om midlertidig tilskud...
CLP assisted Atlantic Sapphire AS with new debt financing
CLP has assisted Atlantic Sapphire AS with its successful execution of a $210,000,000 amended and restated credit facili...
CLP søker advokater med 3-6 års erfaring
Liker du å være med der det skjer? Har du det aller morsomst når du utfordres? Har du lyst til å utvikle din juridiske k...
COVID-19 – midlertidig kompensasjonsordning for faste utgifter
Regjeringen orienterte den 27. mars 2020 om arbeidet med kompensasjonsordning for støtte til norske virksomheter for dek...
CLP with top rankings in the yearly election of lawyers in Norway
CLP is proud of the company’s acknowledgements in the yearly election of the best lawyers in Norway facilitated by Finan...
CLP bistår Funcom i frivillig tilbud fra Tencent
Den kinesiske IT-giganten Tencent har offentliggjort at de ønsker å fremme et frivillig tilbud på kjøp av samtlige aksje...
CLP has assisted in three parallel transactions
CLP has assisted in three parallel transactions whereby the owners of Arktis AS, Nolliplan AB and Micro Aided Design Oy...
CLP assisted Agder Energi in the establishment of the joint venture OSS Norge AS with Glitre Energi AS
The new joint venture is a result of the merger of Agder Energi's Flyt project and Glitre Energi's OSS initiative. Ag...
CLP assisted Fortum Corporation and Nordic Wind B.V. in the expansion of the shareholder base of Fortum’s Nordic wind portfolio
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Fortum Corporation and Nordic Wind B.V. in the sale of a 80% stake in Fortum's Nordic...
CLP bistår Data Respons ASA i frivillig tilbud fra Akka Technologies
Akka Technologies SE har offentliggjort at de vil fremme et frivillig tilbud på kjøp av samtlige aksjer i Data Respons A...
Særbehandlingen av eiendomsselskaper går mot slutten – på godt og vondt
Eiendomsselskaper har hatt en heldig særstilling som har medført at det i svært mange oppkjøp av eiendomsselskaper har v...
Standout Capital invests in VisBook
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Standout Capital in their investment in Visbook AS, a Norwegian provider of cloud-bas...
Elin Mack Løvdal og Magnus Sandvik Gyllensten har skrevet en kronikk om foreslåtte endringer i aksjeloven
Næringsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen har foreslått endringer i aksjelovens regler om oppkjøpsfinansiering. Blir forslage...
CLP has assisted eSmart Systems
CLP has assisted eSmart Systems in its successful capital raise of USD 18 million. Equinor Energy Ventures leads the ro...
Transaction / Franchise – New European hotel operator
Flying Elephant AS has entered into a business combination agreement with Kilmont AS and Stranden Company AS for the mer...
poLight ASA listed on Oslo Børs
poLight ASA has developed a new autofocus lens which "replicates" the human eye for use in mobile devices and other appl...
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Sparebank1 Gruppen
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Sparebank1 Gruppen in its agreement with DNB regarding the merger of their insurance...
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Stamina Group AS
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Stamina Group AS as the seller of all of the shares in Stamina Trening Holding AS to...
CLP dekker det norske markedet i Global Legal Insights to: Initial Public Offerings 2018
Anne Lise E. Gryte og Joakim Gjerde har utarbeidet et kapittel om børsnoteringer i Norge i boken Global Legal Insights t...
CLP assists Nordic Semiconductor in NOK 815 million private placement
Nordic Semiconductor has recently raised NOK 815 million in a private placement towards Norwegian and international high...
CLP assists Atlantic Sapphire in its NOK 600 million private placement and Merkur Market listing
Atlantic Sapphire AS recently raised NOK 600 million in a private placement with Arctic Securities, DNB Markets and Pare...
CLP assists Team Tankers in USD 206 million transaction
Team Tankers International has recently entered into an agreement to acquire each of Anglo-Atlantic Steamship Company an...
Technology and renewable energy transactions
With Brexit talks, the election of Trump and elections in several EU member states, 2017 has been a year where global po...
Funcom enters into joint venture and secures financing in a private placement
Funcom has recently entered into an agreement with Cabinet Group LLC, a Los Angeles based entertainment group, to establ...
Skeie vant over staten
CLP bistår i den første rettssaken om morselskapsgaranti stilt for et oljeselskap. Dom har nå falt i tingretten. Her...
Listing of Self Storage Group ASA
Self Storage Group ASA has now successfully carried out an initial public offering and listing of its shares on the main...
Initial public offering of Webstep ASA
CLP has acted as legal advisor for Arctic Securities, Sparebank1 Markets and Sparebank1 SR-Bank, Markets in the initial...
Intex Resources secures convertible loan facility
CLP has assisted Intex Resources ASA in securing a NOK 50 million convertible loan facility with connected warrants from...
Closing of the restructuring of the Hafslund ASA group
CLP has assisted Fortum in connection with the closing of the restructuring of the Hafslund ASA group, one of the larges...
CLP acts as legal advisor to Swix Sport
CLP acts as legal advisor to Swix Sport in its acquisition of all the shares in the outdoor gear manufacturer Helsport....
Techstep ASA – Approval of prospectus and listing of new shares
CLP has assisted Techstep ASA in connection with several acquisitions during the winter, the completion of a NOK 100 mi...
CLP has assisted Fortum in the Hafslund transactions
CLP has assisted Fortum in its agreement with the City of Oslo (Oslo kommune) regarding the ownership and future co-oper...
Intex Resources raises equity for investments in Canada
Intex Resources ASA has raised NOK 11.25 million in a private placement directed towards both existing shareholders and...
Seier for Statoil ASA
CLP ved Kyrre Eggen og Eline Thorsrud har bistått Statoil ASA i erstatningssøksmål fra gründerne i Biofuel AS. Gründern...
CLP congratulates Techstep ASA
CLP congratulates Techstep ASA with its successful fully underwritten private placement, raising approximately NOK 100 m...
Standard Drilling raises equity and makes investments
CLP congratulates S.D. Standard Drilling Plc with its three successful private placements, all completed since the middl...
CLP has assisted Fusetools AS
CLP has assisted Fusetools AS in executing a private placement raising approx. NOK 100 million in new equity. Fusetools...
eSmart Systems AS raises NOK 100 million from Kongsberg Digital AS in a private placement
A team of CLP lawyers, lead by Jakob Villum, has assisted eSmart Systems AS in executing a private placement towards Kon...
Restructuring of Olympic Ship
CLP has assisted Clarksons Platou, Nordic Trustee and certain key bondholders in the restructuring of Olympic Ship. The...
CLP has assisted Agder Energi Venture AS
CLP has assisted Agder Energi Venture AS, the venture arm of the Agder Energi group, in connection with its acquisition...
Hofseth BioCare and Hofseth International
CLP has assisted Hofseth BioCare with its continued turnaround project consisting of inter alia an acquisition of 15 per...
Q-Free raises NOK 133.8 million in Private Placement
CLP has assisted Q-Free ASA in executing a Private Placement raising a total of NOK 133.8 million in new equity and with...
Norfund, Rabobank and FMO join forces
CLP has assisted Norfund in the establishment of a joint venture together with FMO and Rabobank for investment in financ...
poLight raises NOK 160 million in Pre-IPO funding round
A team of CLP lawyers, lead by Jakob Villum, have assisted poLight in executing a Private Placement raising a total of N...
Ferd/Mestergruppen offer to purchase all shares in Nordek
CLP has assisted Mestergruppen and Ferd with Mestergruppen's offer to purchase all shares in Nordek, a company owning th...
CLP has assisted Bionor Pharma
CLP has assisted Bionor Pharma in its NOK 1 billion acquisition of Solon Eiendom AS, and will assist Bionor Pharma in a...